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What is a Dry Head Massage?

A scalp massage to release tension in your head, neck and shoulders without the use of water or oil.

At Madoromi, our Dry Head Massage is performed using a unique Japanese technique named “21 no Shugi⁽¹⁾ (21)”.  A unique Japanese technique to stretch and relax muscles.  Invented at the Dry Head Spa Association in Japan, this technique focuses on loosening the muscles on the head - it does not target pressure points. This highly sought-after technique relieves brain fatigue and enhances overall beauty by improving your quality of sleep through rebalancing the autonomic nervous system⁽⁵⁾.

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< What is it for? >

< Headache >

"Tension-type headaches" are caused by tension in the muscles on the side of the head and in the shoulders and neck. The pain is caused by the accumulation of toxins in the muscles and the stimulation of the nerves around them as a result of poor blood flow.

My treatment releases the muscle tension and improves blood flow, thus relieving the pain.

< Eyestrain >

We live in a virtual society where we spend countless hours staring at digital devices.  Eye strain is becoming a chronic condition and many people are unaware it can be treated.

My treatment reduces the tension in both, frontalis⁽²⁾ and occipitalis muscle⁽⁴⁾ and helps treat eye fatigue.

< Neck and shoulder stiffness >

Neck pain can be caused by many factors and can affect other areas of the body, particularly the shoulders.  A major contributor to neck pain is built up tension in the head. Therefore massaging only the neck and shoulders is not enough to relieve the feeling of tension and pain. 

My treatment releases the tension in the occipitalis muscle⁽⁴⁾ and its fascia⁽⁶⁾ which are connected to the neck and shoulders.

< Face-lift >

The muscles in your head and face are connected.  Relieving tension and increasing blood flow solely on the face muscles while the head muscles remain stiff and swollen, is not enough to gain a youthful appearance.

My treatment reduces the tension of the occipitalis muscle⁽⁴⁾ and temporalis muscles⁽³⁾ to restore elasticity in the scalp, thus creating a younger appearance in your face.

< Hair loss >

The health of the scalp determines the health of the hair.  Poor blood circulation and inflammation in the head can result in malnourished hair roots, or, cause direct damage to the hair roots themselves.

My treatment releases built up tension in the head muscles and improves blood flow, allowing the hair roots to regain strength resulting in hair being healthier and shinier. To maximize the effect, keep coming to get the treatment about every 28 days.

< Face swelling >

A large amount of water is retained in the body’s cells, and while travelling between blood vessels and cells, it nourishes cells and collects toxins.
Normally, water balance in the body is regulated, but if something upsets the balance, excess water accumulates between cells, causing swelling.

My treatment improves blood circulation in the face and reduces swelling. 

< Stress >


We often feel some form of stress in our daily lives caused by relationships, financial anxieties, and work-related matters.  Recently, some people may be feeling more stress and anxiety due to the Coronavirus global pandemic. ​

My treatment releases the tension on the frontalis muscle⁽²⁾ and helps to relax your mind by creating a soothing, calming experience for your head.  Just sit back, relax, and most importantly… enjoy!

< Complexion >

Poor complexion can be caused by lack of exercise, lowered body temperature, not enough nutrients in the body, and stress. When the body gets cold, the blood vessels in the skin of the face contract, limiting blood flow which results in a pale complexion.

My treatment improves blood circulation in the head, neck and shoulders, which helps to improve your overall face complexion.

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Unique Japanese technique to stretch and relax muscles

< 21 no Shugi⁽¹⁾ (21) >


A unique Japanese technique to stretch and relax muscles.  Invented at the Dry Head Spa Association in Japan, this technique focuses on loosening the muscles on the head - it does not target pressure points.

Frontalis Muscle

Temporal Muscles

Occipitalis Muscle

The frontalis muscle⁽²⁾ runs from the forehead to the hairline. It is used to raise the eyebrows and is linked to the face muscles and is therefore closely related to eyestrain.

Temporalis muscles⁽³⁾ are located on the sides of the head and above the ears. It is one of the several chewing muscles that are necessary for talking and eating. Due to its location and frequent use, this muscle may be strained the most. For those who grind or clench their teeth, this muscle can be very tense, and may cause “tension-type headaches”.

The occipitalis muscle⁽⁴⁾ runs from the back of the head to the neck. Since it supports your head, the occipitalis muscle easily becomes stiff from working long hours, sitting for long periods, poor posture, etc. It also causes stiff shoulders.

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